In the last several months, we have purchased and acquired a large amount of numismatic material representing many specialty areas, including, but not limited to: Greek, Roman, Eastern, Byzantine, Medieval, Early Modern, Thalers, etc. Many significant items have already been listed or in queue to be listed (those marked *pending*), and multitudes more are in research or preliminary identification. A few of the listings to come are shown below.

Since it may take some time for these items to be activated, please feel free to ask us to expedite the ones in which you are interested, and/or submit offers for them. We will attempt to move those items upward in the listing queue.

ARTUQIDS OF MARDIN: Al-Mansur Artuq-Arslan (AH597-637 1201-39) Ar Dirham, Dunaysir Mint; Metcalf type B. *PRELIM*AUSTRIA c.1250 Pfennig; Saurma 850/367. *PRELIM*Landgraviate of UPPER ALSACE: Ferdiand II of Tirol (1564-95) Billon Vierer (4 Pfennig), Ensisheim Mint; MT-570.  *PRELIM*
SALZBURG: Maximilian Gandolf (1668-87) Klippe Double Taler Restrike; Dav 3507.  **IN RESEARCH**AUSTRIA: Silesia: Leopold I, Hogmouth (1657-1705)  1705-FN 3 Kreuzer, Oppeln Mint;  Her 1547. *PRELIM*BOHEMIA c.1528 Pest Thaler, Joachimstal Mint; Katz 9.  **IN RESEARCH**
BOHEMIA: Prague: Monastery of Strahov: Abbot Kaspar von Questenberg (1613-1640) 1627 Ar Medal; Doneb 4709. *PRELIM*BOLIVIA: Felipe IV (1621-65) Ar 1 Real of 1645-48;  Ensayador R.  **IN RESEARCH**BOLIVIA: Felipe V (1700-46) 1733-M 1 Real, CT-1432, KM-28a.  **IN RESEARCH**
BOLIVIA: Luis I (1724) 1726 4 Reales (posthumous issue).  **PRELIM**BOLIVIA: Luis I (1724) 1726 4 Reales (posthumous issue), dated twice.  **PRELIM**BYZANTINE EMPIRE: Heraclius (610-641) Ae Follis, Constantinople Mint; SB-806.  *pending*
COLONIA EMERITA AUGUSTA: Tiberius (14-37 CE) Ae Dupondius; SNG Cop 409. *PRELIM*CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA 1864 500 Dollars, T-64, CR-489.  *pending*Continental Currency Jan 14, 1779 65 Dollars, P-S200. *pending*
GUATEMALA: Felipe V (1700-46) 1738 8 Reales;  Calb. 132. *WITHDRAWN FOR STUDY*HAMBURG (City Issue)  c.1300 Brakteat Pfennig;  Gaed 1371v. *PRELIM*HUNGARY: Johann Zapolya (1526-40) 1528 Denar.   Contemporary forgery (?).  **IN RESEARCH**
HUNGARY: Leopold I, Hogmouth (1657-1705) 1661-KB 1/2 Thaler, Kremnitz Mint; KM-154. *IN RESEARCH*HUNGARY c.1986 Szabolcsi-Foldvar St. Laszlo Szabolcs Synod Silver Medal.  **IN RESEARCH**KOLN: Friedrich III von Saarwerden (1371-1414) Ar Weisspfennig (Groschen), Riel Mint; Saurma 2683/1412.  *PRELIM*
KOLN: Friedrich III von Saarwerden (1371-1414) c.1371 Ar Weisspfennig (Groschen), Bonn Mint; Saurma 2685/1412. *PRELIM*MECKLENBURG: Heinrich I (1280-1302) Brakteat. *PRELIM*NAPLES & SICILY: Ferdinand I (1458-94) Ar Coronato of 1469-74,  Segnor C (gothic); Heiss Pl. 121.14v.  *PRELIM*
NAPLES & SICILY: Ferdinand I (1458-94) Ar Coronato of 1469-74,  Segnor C (gothic); Heiss Pl. 121.14v. *PRELIM*NAPLES: Carlo V (1516-1556) Ar Carlino, Pannuti-Riccio 32.  *PRELIM*SPANISH NETHERLANDS 1579 Jeton, Offense of the star god; Dugn 2786. *PRELIM*
SPANISH TOURNAI: Albrecht & Isabella (1598-1621) (1613-18) 1/2 Patagon; Pell 727. *PRELIM*NEW YORK: Tivoli: Saugerties Bank 1862 10 Cents. *PRELIM*Pennsylvania April 10, 1777 1 Shilling, P-S2577.  *pending*
PISIDIA: Termessos Major: Pseudo-Autonomous Ae 29 c.200-300 CE, SNG BN 2213v. *pending*Poland 1965 1000 Zlotych SPECIMEN Note, Pick 141s2, B831as1.  *pending*SAXE-OLD-ALTENBURG: 4 Brothers (Johann Philipp, Friedrich, Johann Wilhelm, Friedrich Wilhelm II) 1617-WA 1/4 Thaler; KM-12. *PRELIM*
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS (193-211 CE) Ae 27 of Moesia Inferior: Markianopolis, AMNG 548. *pending*BITHYNIA: Nikaea: Severus Alexander (222-235) Ae 20. *pending*SPAIN: Segovia: Felipe II (1556-98) 1590 8 Reales, 1973 official restrike.  **IN RESEARCH**
SPAIN: Felipe III (1598-1621) 1617 8 Reales Cob, Segovia Mint, Ensayador R; CT-778.  **IN RESEARCH**ZEUGITANA: Carthage c.300 BCE Ae16.  **PRELIM**